Bed bugs are insects of the genus Cimex. They live on the human body and feed at night. These insects can leave skin rashes and even allergic reactions in humans. The bites may appear as small red spots or prominent blisters. It is important to know how to recognize bed bug bites, as well as the signs of infestation. Read on for some helpful tips! Here’s how to recognize bed bugs. In the first instance, you should check your mattress for signs of infestation.
Look for eggs. If you notice any of these signs, it is likely that bedbugs are present. Look for egg-shaped, papery structures in your box spring or mattress. These are the sign of bedbug activity. You can also find their droppings under the wallpaper in the corners of desks, dressers, and laundry. Excess from the bugs can also stain items in your home, so you’ll want to check them out. The droppings of the bugs are light brown or black, and they will absorb the fabric and smell.
If you see these insects, you should immediately throw them out. These bugs can live for a month, and they can lay multiple generations per year under the right conditions. Providing them with a constant source of blood, cooler temperatures, and a limited supply of host will help prolong their development. On average, the lifespan of bed bugs is 10 months, but they can live for more than a year. To prevent infestation, you can also try preventing them from entering your home by keeping them out of your home and wearing protective clothing.
If you need help with getting rid of bed bugs contact us or our professional Phoenix Pest Control company.